
Hotel, which is situated Prague. Uhříněves is very well connected to the transport infrastructure.
The train connects the Hotel with the city center within 20 minutes.

By car:
Czech Highway D1, Exit/km 6, Exit Praha – Uhříněves

By city transportation:
Buses: 213, 226, 381, 382, 383, 387 from metro station Háje (Line C) to bus stop Nové Náměstí

Buses: 229, 364, 366 from metro station  Depo Hostivař (Line A) to bus stop Nové Náměstí

By train:

Trains: S9, S29 to the final destination Benešov U Prahy, Stránčice, from Hlavní Nádraží ( The main train station in Prague) to train station Praha – Uhříněves

Schedules for individual buses and trains are available here
Current information about MC Praha Uhříněves see